Working toward a planetary culture of peace

 The Youth Campaign for Peace, created in 2016, is made up of young volunteers from various cities and countries. It is promoted by the Associação Maria (Mary Association), one of the affiliates of the Fraternity –International Humanitarian Federation (FIHF), and it proposes living caringly with Mother Earth and taking actions for the common good, helping to build a planetary culture of peace.

The Campaign is supported by the following pillars: Art, which is expressed through each brush stroke, colour and movement, conveying messages of peace and hope to the world; Music, which contributes to the elevation and harmonization of the vibrations of the planet; Service, an opportunity for young people to perform actions on behalf of others; Prayer, which connects the inner world with the purposes of Creation; Instruction, which helps with constant evolutionary learning; and Love for the Kingdoms of Nature, respecting and taking care of each being of the planet.

One of the tasks of the Youth Campaign for Peace is to do the Youth Festival for Peace, an ecumenical coming together of young people from all over the world, who share moments of fellowship and spirituality.

The history of the Festival began in Florianópolis, a city in which three events took place. Afterwards, the Festival began a pilgrimage through Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay. During the period of the pandemic, there were online events. The objective is to disseminate a culture of peace, respect for the environment, and a more fraternal life, expanding possibilities for communication and integration among the youth.

Between July 28th to 30th , 2023, the Youth Campaign for Peace celebrated the 7th anniversary of the Youth Festival for Peace in theLight-Community of Figueira, another affiliate of the Fraternity –International Humanitarian Federation (FIHF). The meeting brought together 110 young people, who experienced a program of workshops on art, music, dance, agroforestry principles, crafts, conscious eating, yoga, a presentation of the Youth Choir, and spiritual instructions, as well as a conversation with theFraternity – International Humanitarian Missions (FIHM), also affiliated with the Fraternity – International Federation (FIHF).

After the cycle of online activities, the Youth Campaign for Peace proposes to return to the in-person Festivals and training young people to take action in emergency situations and humanitarian missions. The training will be offered by the Fraternity – Humanitarian Missions (FIHM).

The next Youth Festival for Peace will be in the city of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais (Brazil), and those who want to can participate as a volunteer in the preparation for this meeting.

For more information contact the Youth Campaign for Peace:


Whatsapp: (35) 99872-1165