Collaborators from different cities of São Paulo hinterlands joined forces in a special voluntary group service of support to the Kennel of Campinas. The kennel shelters more than 170 animals retrieved from situations of mistreats and abandonment. The solidary activity took place on July 15, 2018.

Including members of the Network-of-Light young missionaries and nuns of Grace Mercy Order, 30 people congregated in the task, representing the cities of Campinas, Sao Carlos, Piracicaba, Pirassununga and Batatais.

The Kennel of Campinas is a private initiative that does not have the support of public or entrepreneurial funds, neither an adequate physical structure, such as trash collection, sanitation and asphalt. With the arrival of the group, several tasks could be resumed, receiving a great impulse from the group energy and the efforts of all.

The servers worked during the whole Sunday, and conducted a vast service of harmonization of the external area, cleaning the terrain, putting gates in their place, removing debris and replanting gardens. In the internal area, another part of the team conducted the cleaning of the stalls and the supply of all mangers with water and animal feed.

At the end of the day, as a fruit of the collective work, all the shelter had a different condition of cleanliness and organization, having received an internal and external impulse from each donated heart.

With the numerous group, each volunteer was able to assume a specific task, with calm and focus, giving adequate attention to each need: the animals received better cares, the spaces of storage of material were cleaned and reorganized, the trees were pruned and the debris were removed.

“When I am in a place like this, I forget myself, my problems, my preferences, my selfishness, and I totally surrender to serving the best possible way”, said Daniel Xavier, one of the collaborators.

The Kennel of Campinas is open to receive volunteers and lovers of the Animal Kingdom. It continuously need this support for the sustenance of the whole work.

This initiative is part of a great network of service to the Kingdoms, coordinated by the Nucleus-of-Light of Figueira in Sao Carlos, which expands this task to more than 1.190.

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Cell phone: (+55) (16) 99624-0333