Listen to the áudio of Trigueirinho about the theme icone-audio


A busca espiritual e o serviço dissolvem o medo

Fear is, among other things, the result of ill-directed mental activity. When the mind is guided to the higher target of existence, it softens or does not even arise. We might say that ignorance about what we really are in essence is what brings about fear. We almost always see ourselves as isolated individuals, and not as cells of a single Life. But as we donate ourselves out of love for some cause or altruistic service, we become aware of the existence of a Greater Universe, and fear begins to dissolve.

It is important to know that fears and negative feelings from others can be integrated to our sensitive aura and may be taken as ours. The individual mind has the capacity to receive elements from the collective mental level and to transfer to itself. We can also manifest apprehensions about what is happening not specifically with us, but in a generalized way.

Present humanity suffers a very common fear: the fear of failure. This fear arises from our being too much identified with the personality and our living in environments that depreciate us. Accostumed by normal upbringing to compare ourselves and to confront ourselves with our fellow persons, it is common to become unsatisfied with our possibilities. In reality, each one is useful with their own qualities and virtues, and the qualities of the others have another usefulness.

Article of reference: Newspaper O Tempo of May 18, 2014
Article title: Aspiração à buscaespiritual e aoserviçoaltruístaanula o medo (Aspiration to the spiritual quest and to altruistic service nullifies fear)
Audio of Irdin: A propósito do medo (Concerningfear)
Recorded on: May11, 2011
Series: Para viver em equilíbrio (Tolive in balance)
Complete audio: