Listen to the áudio of Trigueirinho about the theme icone-audio


A Cura dos Apegos

We know that attachment is something that someday will have to overcome. It arises when we do not understand the internal, spiritual side of life, when we are not in contact with the essence of things. Because of the lack of this contact, we become used to, accustomed to the way that every and any essence takes, and we become attached to it.

The healing of attachments solves the most diverse problems. By means of it, we can find an answer to many questions: “How to perceive the essence of what surrounds us?”; “How not to lose the harmony and beauty that we knew in ancient civilizations?”; “How not to lose the love of those who leave?”; “How not to feel inactive if our work ends or is interrupted, or is we become unable of working for some reason?”; “If we lose material goods, how not to feel deprived of them?”; “In short, how to find the essence of things?”

The answer to all these questions is just one: to go inside one’s own heart, inside one’s own being. There, the consciousness of the soul, which is universal, has always awaited for us.

“What shall I do to detach myself from an idea?” Go within, to your heart. “What shall I do to detach myself from my present way of being?” Go to your heart. “What shall I do to get rid of what chains me?” Go to your heart, toward your center. “What shall I do to transcend my defects?” Go to your essence, to your heart. “What shall I do to overcome my complexes?” Go to your heart, within yourself, to your deep being.

“What shall I do with this illness that the doctors do not know how to treat?” Seek light in your heart. “What shall I do with my children, whom I do not know how to raise?” Go within your being, and there you will find love to treat them. “What shall I do to fill the void that I feel in my life?” Go to your being. “What shall I do to solve my insecurity, my fears?” Go to your heart.

It is in the heart that the attachments are healed, because there is the essence of everything. There we lack nothing. The difficulties are solved in a simple way when we can penetrate the essence of things, when at last we know the universal force of our own heart. In the inner path, the only needed baggage is love and readiness to serve. Above the mind there is a light pointing to the safe direction.

Article of reference: Newspaper O Tempo of August9, 2015
Article title: É no coraçãoquepodemoscurarnossosapegos (It is in the heart that we can heal our attachments)
Audio of Irdin: Diante da Vida(In the Face of Life)
Recorded on: July1, 2011
Series: Reflexões(Reflections)
Complete audio: