To understand the Rays

To understand the Rays, we should have to completly abolish the haste and anxiety.  It is, however, a study that cannot be done only by analyzing attitudes and reactions.  It also requires some help of the intuitive levels, so that we can realize the life as it really is.

Let us be, therefore,
quite serene before such a study


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Studying the rays

Studying the rays, we must have in mind some fundamental points, among them, that  one we have a quality of energy in the spirit, which remains the same for long cycles, although, at  levels below it, the rays change periodically.

The ray of the soul, for instance, is much more stable than those of the  bodies of personalily, but, also,  it is not fixed.

Usually, the ray of the personality change at each life, and even during the same incarnation it can be changed,  according to the evolutionary need or the major will of the being.  During the same incarnation, the rays of the mental, emotional and physical bodies may also be changed.  One of the reasons for that may be to facilitate even more the interection between them.

Even before totally revealed, the ray of the personality begins to express itself in the physical body.  The ray of the soul acts on the emotional body,  clearly influencing it.  The ray of the monad or spirit, that is only discovered at a more advanced stage and exerts influence on the mental body.

In general,  the first, the fourth and the fifth rays govern the development of the mental life and determine the mental body of the individual.  The second, the fourth and the sixth govern potentially the emotional life and determine the type of the emotional body.  In many cases, currently, the third and the seventh govern the vital-physical life and the physical body.

Which is the use of the study of the rays in Man?

It seems to me it is multiple.  Through them we get to know, little by little, the several parties of our being.  If we find out which is the energy of our body, we will collaborate   more  with them.

To undertake this research, there is an order that can help us.  First, we try to find out the energies of our physical, emotional and mental bodies because we are more aware of them. If we perceive the energy that one of our bodies is expressing, we must search which ones the body has not yet manifested to let them emerge and enrich their already present characteristics. That is the basic work which takes weeks, months or years, depending on our effort expended on it, our interest and our temper.  Depending on our temper, the energy of the ray facilitates more or less  this study.

We must have humility  before talking about our own rays

Because it is a world of energies, an infinite field of knowledge,  we must have humility  before talking about our own rays and make statements about them, which can condition us by leading us to unnecessary labelings. Asserting, at the very  beginning of our study that “I am such a ray” is risky. After careful, meticulous and patient observations, after confronting our tendencies and reactions, we should abandon for a moment this theoretical, concret and analytical search, surrendering it to our intuitive world. On one hand, we are facing a work that can last a long time, before having conditions to reach safe conclusions; on the other hand, we can start today, and tomorrow have true answers.  It is also possible, with some help of the energy of our intuitive world, we get to know which are our own rays without ever having, apparently, studied such a matter.

The desirable atitude is the total surrender

The desirable atitude is the total surrender of someone who knows nothing, only in this way, the light will find an opening to flow.  The humility, the faith, the feeling of knowing a little or nothing about what is mysterious.  It is about a perennial walking, symbolically speaking, “tightrope,” which connects the complete ignorance of the concrete mind about  spiritual matters to the intuitive level, where everything is solved and all the answers are ready.

Focused on the target and not on the external situations,
we will live safe in our own human condition not yet enlightened.
And, gradually, the light will grow.

Book by Trigueirinho: As Energias dos Raios e Nossas Vidas (The Energy of the Rays in Our Life)
Text extracted from the chapter: A descoberta dos raios (p.171). (The Discovery of the Rays p.171)
Irdin Audio – Complete at: Conversas com Trigueirinho nº 326  (Talks with Trigueirinho no. 326)