EScola Parque Tibetano

On Friday, the 24th, the teachers at Escola Parque Tibetano completed the methodological course at Rudolf Steiner College, whose pedagogical approach, as we know, is achieved by the development of the student through physical, intellectual, artistic and spiritual integration.

The school strives, throughout the year, to obtain the necessary resources to offer its volunteer teachers opportunities to participate in development courses, thus keeping its faculty updated and properly trained, to deepen the practical performance with children, as its priority.

The training, now completed, has nine teachers from the two units together, corresponding to the initial and final years of elementary school.

This course provides a synthesis of the mandatory curriculum for each school year with spiritual content, which is very deep and specific in this teaching method.

This way, in addition to teachers having the opportunity to update themselves and exchange experiences of content and practice, they are also prepared to deal with children in all their subjectivity, knowing that the development of each being is unique and exclusive, as well as extensive and complex.

This completeness and complexity will be translated, in the classroom, into simplicity, with practices and techniques that supports the development of each being to emerge, without forcing it, just allowing each of them to emerge from their innermost being, as it should be, their own content, with their own potential.

The Parque Tibetano School is, at this very moment, with all its collaborators, starting another school year, with joy and commitment, certain that the teachers will be refreshed, motivated and full of spirit with everything they could capture from this experience.