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2024-01-29T14:29:22-03:0018 June 2019|

The Humanitarian Fraternity (FIHF) encompasses innumerable sectors of service, each with their own projects and specific needs. ...


2024-02-03T08:51:55-03:0018 June 2019|

Learn about the Affiliate Associations of the Fraternity – Humanitarian (FIHF) that are expressed in Light-Communities, Light-Nuclei, ...

Psychological support of Fraternidade to family members of victims of Brumadinho continues

2019-03-15T22:25:23-03:0015 March 2019|Categories: News, News about the Missions|Tags: Brumadinho Mission, Humanitarian Service|

Volunteers from FFHI visit the districts of Brumadinho Fraternidade–International Humanitarian Federation (FFHI) continues giving psychological support to the ...

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