The South agenda of launches will stretch over nearly the whole month of May, when Ana Regina Nogueira, authoress of the book ‘Viver o Amor aos Cães’ (Living the Love for the Dogs), will run across seven cities of the Southern region of Brazil.

caes_VAC_agenda_sulThe first city will be Joinville, in Santa Catarina, on May 2. Other two cities of that state will be part of the route: São Bento do Sul e the capital Florianópolis.

In the state of Paraná, the events will take place in the capital Curitiba and in the city of Londrina, in the northern part of the state. In Rio Grande do Sul, the launches will be in the capital Porto Alegre and in the city of Bento Gonçalves, in the region of the Gaúcha ridge.

During the book launch, events several activities will be conducted, such as audiovisual exhibits about the Francis of Assisi Park, story-telling, talk and autograph session. The events will take place at schools, universities, bookstores and study centers.

The book “Viver o Amor aos Cães’ (Living the Love for the Dogs), published by Irdin Editora, filliated to the Fraternidade – International Humanitarian Federation, contains 224 pages, and tells the story of a group of volunteers that transform a slaughterhouse into a joyful kennel, a school of love.

The whole schedule of South Agenda is in the Events session.

Additional information about the book here