June 22, Friday

The Mission today characterized by the spirit of fraternity and joy that spread in the home for the elderly of As Subra, in Cairo, Egypt.

The recreational activities multiplied in the morning in both wards of the home, the feminine and masculine.

The members of Egypt Mission, a humanitarian task carried out by Fraternidade – International Humanitarian Federation, sang and danced with the interned in the masculine ward, who reciprocated the expressions of unity, beyond cultural and linguistic barriers, with songs they offered with a lot of care and gratitude.

Voluntary youths

In the feminine Ward, the humanitarian missionaries accompanied the presence of a group of youths belonging to Christian Churches. As every Friday, the youths arrived to support the Sisters of Charity in the tasks of the house and in the entertainment of the ladies. The youths sang and presented a very funny play to them.

“We could experience a great Peace, which strengthens us and guides us to continue with firm steps. We also felt emerge from our hearts a great love”, testified Rosi Freitas, a member of Egypt Mission.

In the afternoon, the men of the group finished the repair and the painting of seven beds, while the women of the group accompanied the internees, some of whom received the visit from family members. The nurse of the group, Manuela Braga, kept offering assistance to the sick, with bandages and other procedures.

Special contact

She later told a case that she lived, and that touched her deeply: “Yesterday I had a very special contact with one of the sick, and today he was transferred to a private hospital for the amputation of his leg. I could accompany the visit of the doctor before hospitalization and during the whole talk I could see how the patient remained in a profound and unshakeable serenity. I soon made a bandage in him and he began to pray. I soon felt the impulse of echoing him. It was a very special moment. I felt deeply in my heart a reunion of souls through the force of prayer”.

The superior of the Sisters of Charity in Cairo commented that the help received from Egypt Mission allowed them to reorganize spaces in the house of services of As Subra, in order to receive other elderly ladies, and liberate space in the house of services of Mokattam, to receive and look after more children in this place, while their parents work with trash recycling. In a sign of thankfulness, the nuns gave each humanitarian missionary a crucifix.