Sunday, December 25, 2016

In the morning, work of prayer in the Nucleus-of-Light of Figueira in Roraima.

In the CRI – Center of Reference to the Immigrant, a group of the Evangelical Church offered haircut, nail painting, food and canticles.

Still in the morning, missionaries of the Fraternidade – International Humanitarian Federation, visited an Indigenous child who is not healthy, in the Fair of the “Passarão”. She was examined by the doctor of the team. The child and the mother ran away from the hospital a week ago, when the boy was hospitalized. The work now is to create awareness in the mother to stay with the son in treatment at hospital.

“There is a whole instruction to be passed for them to manage to continue the treatment to the end”, said Clara, a missionary of the Fraternidade.

Also a baby in the Fair of the “Passarão” was visited, who has a plaster cast in a very uncomfortable position.

Closing of the activities in the CRI with the brothers and sisters of the Evangelical Church.