In the Audio, the instructor Trigueirinho reveals to us, in a clear and simple way, the careful previous work that a soul conducts, upon organizing their forthcoming incarnation, and what occurs in the interruption of this process.

Abortion – From the perspective of the “unborn” – We are adopting here the term “unborn” to characterize the souls that were not born yet, the little and innocent ones who are not born, due to the inducted or spontaneous interruption of the life of a being still inside the maternal womb.

In Her public Apparition on November 30, 2012, the Divine Mother, under Her garments of the Virgin Mary, the Mother of Jesus, made an important revelation to the human and planetary consciousness, by presenting us, in a simple and true manner, the passage of an unborn being through that region of consciousness known as Limbo. The souls are referred there which could not complete their incarnation; in tears and in a state of intense suffering, they are welcome by groups of angels, who begin a loving process of recovery and rescue of those traumatized souls, and of preparation to resume their cycle of incarnation. In this Limbo there is a School where these aborted essences, instructed by the angels, learn again about God.

“We will tell you the most important part of this scene.

The angels headed to the different regions of the city of Porto Alegre, they rescued with their hands many spheres of light; they would say that these spheres were souls that had not incarnated. At this moment, they show an image of how they picked the souls that had been fetuses and which had been aborted at this moment, they begin to pick each one of the essences and through this Sky they had opened, they raised them.

They, silently, invited us to accompany them toward this place where they were taking the essences. Then they rose, with this group of souls they had been rescued, toward another dimension. It was a dimension that was divided in seven planes, they were seven states, seven heavens. In these heavens there were seven different situations.

In the first heaven, were the souls recently rescued, to whom the angels give the name of essences which could not incarnate. In that place there was a lot of suffering, there was many tears like those of children and an angel specifically showed many angels who were restoring these essences, in truth they were many angels who were conducting this task.

At a certain moment, something happened in this space, Our Lady approached from the right side and headed toward a place where an essence among so many was. She raised this essence, and then a boy appeared between Her arms and She was showing how She treated those who could not be born in this humanity. This boy was crying as if he had a deep pain; Our lady began to swing him and the boy stopped crying. Then She placed him in a place on the ground and this boy had a grin from ear to ear; I perceived that Our Lady deposited in him a sphere of light”.

We asked: What is this place?
She replied: This is Limbo.
She then said: Let us continue visiting them. She then invited us to walk among all these children, and there we saw essences that had not been born, and essences of children that lived only a short time. She said that this was the school of learning; Our Lady had sent the angels there so that they learned about God.

She showed how the essences were given a chance to learn in Limbo. In this way, gradually, Our Lady took us through the second, third, fourth… up to the seventh heaven in Limbo. Crossing over a bridge in Limbo, we saw how an angel protects a child, and Our Lady said this was a symbol that the essence was being prepared for reincarnation.

General informative text, made available on the internet, about the theme: Induced abortion:

“The induced abortion, also called provoked abortion or voluntary interruption of pregnancy, is the abortion caused by a deliberate human action. It occurs through the ingestion of medicines or by mechanical methods. The ethics of this kind of abortion is strongly disputed in many countries in the world, but it is recognized as a legal practice in other places in the world, and is even thoroughly covered by the public health system in some countries. The two poles of this discussion involve defining when the fetus or embryo becomes human or living (if in the conception, in the birth or in an intermediate point) and in the primacy of the right of the woman over the right of the fetus or the embryo”.

The theme of ABORTION shall continue.

Audio: Irdin: Conversas com Trigueirinho (Talks with Trigueirinho) nr. 225 (28’42’’ thru 31’02″)
Complete áudio at: