Supreme Order of the Universes

How should we behave before the mysteries and greatness that we can see in a starry sky? How does this universal life concern us? What in us moves or transforms before the realities and revelations that the Cosmos offers us at every moment? Is there really a free space in our life for other higher dimensions? How do we respond to all this? Have we perchance lost our reverence and rapture for the immensity of a night sky? …for the grand manifestations of infinity? Or do we remain indifferent, hypnotized and absorbed by the arrhythmia of a material, illusory life, without even realizing we are part of a greater one Life?

An inner path

There is an inner path we have to discover and tread, which leads us from the superficial human life to the hidden Soul life, and from the Soul to the broader and profounder life of the Spirit. Stars and celestial dimensions can help us find this higher path. In truth, we cannot reach the innermost levels of existence without the silent help of these sister stars; nor can we set apart from their presences, sacred cosmic consciousnesses that assist us. We have to know how to recognize them, co-exist internally with them, in order to welcome the impulses that their essences emanate. Only then will we be able to penetrate the celestial mysteries.



Astronomy, in this perspective, can help us get into contact with the Absolute. In the cosmos are the models of everything that was created, and the inner life of the stars can approach us from our true origin. As we contemplate a night starry sky in this manner, in silence and reverence, we will be able to again feel welcome in the universal womb of Creation. The astronomic energy itself gives us impulses for us to transcend its mere material side and that of our little, egocentric and egotistic world. Its numbers, proportions, distances, manifestations, dimensions and unfathomable mysteries move us away from what is trivial, negligible and mediocre in our lives; they resize our values, interests, conquests, references, activities and aspirations.

Children of the Cosmos

Thus we will be able to reach the essence of what the universe and its infinite stars can really represent for us today; we will also be able to recognize ourselves as cells of this infinite network that is part of the One, of the essence of All, and which extends to all dimensions of Universal Life; we will be able to feel united to a Cosmic Fraternity, which has waited in silent for eons for our awakening! Because we truly are children of the Cosmos!


——————— Supreme Order of the Universes ———————

“The external light of a Thousand suns cannot be compared
to the light that exists inside a single atom.
One thousand lives cannot contain the existence of a single instant
full of the energy of the Spirit.

Learn, oh, pilgrim, to recognize the relativity of the Creation.
In garments of Light, cross the doorway,
and penetrate the vestibule that will lead you to the
Supreme Order of the Universes”.

(from the book: ‘A Criação’ – ‘The Creation’ – page 48, by Trigueirinho)

This journey on the starry sky will continue!