We know that the simple phrase: “He who sings, his evils scatter” hides a deeper truth… All of us, at some point in our lives, have turned to music as a tool for calm, balance, joy and peace.

Ensaio do coral da Comunidade-Luz Nova Terra
Rehearsal of the choir of the New Earth Light-Community

Intuitively, we know that good music has the power to organize us internally and the environment around us. This effect is enhanced when we are the ones who produce it through singing.

In the Light-Communities, the work with choirs has existed since the beginning, functioning as an important instrument for group harmonization and alignment. This work helps to transform the denser energies of the group, providing greater internal harmony between everyone.

Transmissão nas 1000 Ave-Marias
Transmission in the 1000 Hail Marys

In the New Earth Light-Community, affiliated to the Fraternity – International Humanitarian Federation (FIHF), weekly rehearsals take place on Fridays, from 7pm to 8pm. During rehearsals, technical concepts such as rhythm, vocal warm-up and tuning are worked on. However, the most important aspect is the integration and group unity that forms during rehearsals.

 Ensaio com todos
Rehearsal with everyone

During the programming of the OPN’s (Praying for Peace in the Nations), live broadcasts are made of the rehearsed songs, which further strengthens the group and enlivens the liturgies of the Light-Community.

And you, who are reading this message, are also invited to take part in the rehearsals of the choir of the New Earth Light-Community!

Find out more. Visit: https://t.me/comunidadeluznovaterra