On February 11, the first part of the Neutering Campaign of the Nova Terra Light-Community occurred, which is an affiliate of the Fraternity – International Humanitarian Federation (FIHF). It was an intense day in which 25 dogs were neutered, and more than 10 were medically assisted, in partnership with a team of two Veterinarians on the Street, with the presence of the Medical Veterinary, Amélia Oliveira, who already has had a partnership with the Light-Community for some years. The objective of the team was to take their veterinary skills to places that have difficult access or to low income populations. 

Handlers with their dogs waiting their turn

The Collective Work drew neighboring families and, on this mission, involved adults, young people and children of the Nova Terra Light-Community. Everybody helped, from registering the handlers to waking up the post-operative little dog. This task, according to the members of the Light-Community, “progressed quite fluidly and harmoniously.”

Children taking care of the post-operative dogs

“The dogs that were neutered belong to families that live in the surroundings of the Light-Community, as well as dogs that live here – those that arrived most recently and  were waiting for this chance”, they explained.

Doing the registering

Besides the neutering, the veterinary team performed several free medical services for dogs that needed special attention.

Handler with their dog receiving care

The members of the Light-Community who participated in the collective work highlighted: “it’s worth remembering that to neuter dogs and cats is extremely important at this time, because in this way, there is control over the population of those species, avoiding new cases of abandonment and the transmission of some illnesses.”

Veterinarian providing care

On Sunday the 12th, the collective work continued on its second stage, which lasted the whole day, with more neuterings and veterinary care.