With the end of the obligatory social distancing in Argentina, decreed on February 7, the group of Young Missionaries for Peace re-started their services.

Rede-Luz Argentina

The social distancing, imposed by law in 2020 in the country, caused the suspension of the volunteers and the missionary group activities, where they met every month to accomplish a task.

Respecting all the measures and protocols to avoid the transmission and contamination by the Coronavirus, the group responded to the request for support of the Animal Sanctuary “El Paraíso de los Animales” (The Paradise for Animals), in General Rodriguez, in the Western Greater Buenos Aires.

Rede-Luz Argentina

This property has been functioning for approximately 40 years. Their elderly owners, around 80 years old, lovingly and unconditionally have taken in more than 850 animals of different species, which all live together harmoniously.

During the whole day, the group dedicated itself to the task requested by the owners: cleaning up the space where the horses, bulls and cows live, and harmonizing the environment.

Rede-Luz Argentina

“We are infinitely grateful that “The Paradise for Animals” has opened its doors to us since the first missionary trip in August of 2018,” express the representatives of the group of young people.

Youth in Action

The main pillars of the group of Young Missionaries for Peace of Buenos Aires is Selfless Service, Love of the Kingdoms of Nature, and the Building of a Culture of Peace, and it is active in various experiences of caring for the Kingdoms of Nature and the building of the common good.

Over the course of its existence, it has already carried out various tasks with children, the elderly, low-rent communities, people with disabilities, caring for the indigenous population, among many other loving and caring tasks for others. To find out more about the activities of this group of Young People, click here!