The Francis of Assisi Park celebrates 10 years of love for dogs and the Kingdoms of Nature

There is much to be celebrated in these 10 years of existence: hundreds of people have donated their services with love and dedication and transformed an old pig slaughterhouse into a place full of love. Abandoned, sick, abused dogs found shelter, care and the love necessary for a new life. They are healed, neutered, and put up for adoption.

Many changes and improvements were achieved in those 10 years. But the need for evolving is always present. The Francis of Assisi Park, affiliated with the Fraternity – International Humanitarian Federation (FIHF), is taking up the campaign again of “Adopt the Park,” because it needs to implement a system of solar panels and buy a water pump to make the daily cleaning of the kennels easier, and carrying water to the animals, besides renovating the surgery area. The goal is to get $10,000 USD by September of this year. And to reach this goal, the Park needs donations, which can be made through its site.

Among the various tasks done by the Park, there are: the work of making people aware of the responsibility of adopting, group works of neutering, vegetarian food for the collaborators, initiatives for taking care of the environment, besides receiving visits from educational institutions, among other activities.

A course in constant evolution

The physical transformations that occurred there were fundamental for that new life to take hold. The place that formerly was full of fear, pain and death, with a great deal of work and effort, was transformed into healing areas. Slaughtering sheds gave way to wards, operating room, outpatients, pharmacy, rooms for washing and grooming, and other spaces necessary for all the care given at the place.

Also part of the Park’s projects is various sustainable on going  fronts, such as reforestation of the Permanent Protection Area (PPA) and the proper use of water. The revenues come entirely from spontaneous donations, raffles, bazaars, volunteer work, in addition to the sale of the book Viver o Amor aos Cães (Living Love for Dogs, with free translation), written by Ana Regina Nogueira and inspired by the work done in the Park.

In the introduction to this book, Nina Rosa Jacob writes: “The work of the Francis of  Assisi Park (…) requires daily great dedication, initiative, patience, faith, and resources. It also requires the contributions of people aligned with the courage to do good.”

The Francis of Assisi Park needs you so that its story of love and care may continue in constant evolution!